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Many start the divorce process expecting a drawn-out and costly struggle. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

If both parties agree on the significant issues in their case, such as property division, alimony, time sharing/visitation, and child custody, an uncontested divorce can save you money.

Legal Fees

An uncontested divorce can help couples get out of their marriages faster and with less cost than a contested divorce. However, it still requires a divorce lawyer to assist with the complicated issues.

Regardless of whether you choose to pursue a contested or uncontested divorce Tampa, there are many costs that you will need to pay. These consist of the cost of the court proceedings, mediation sessions, filing fees, service of process, and potential settlement preparation.

Hiring a private investigator to find your spouse is also a potential expense. It can include visiting their last known address, searching social media, and contacting friends and family.

An experienced attorney can save you money by negotiating terms for your divorce that are in your best interests and the best interest of your children. They can also reduce the stress of the divorce by eliminating unnecessary legal disputes and preventing delays in the case.


Many couples begin divorce proceedings, assuming it will be a long, contentious, and expensive battle. That is why they often start their research for an attorney by asking their friends and coworkers for attorneys and firms that they recommend.

The time involved in uncontested divorce in Tampa depends on the couple’s ability to collaborate and create solutions. Even potentially complex issues can be mediated and settled relatively quickly when both parties are on board with the outcome.

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Contested divorces often require filing a minimum amount of financial documents from both parties and can draw out the timeline. It is particularly true when there are disputes about alimony, child support, division of assets and debts, and parenting plans.

Another factor in the timeline is how backed-up the family court in your county is. Scheduling problems can significantly delay your final hearing. An experienced divorce attorney can effectively minimize any delays during the legal proceedings.


Divorce costs decrease with the number of items a couple can agree upon. That is especially true for uncontested divorces, as these dissolutions require fewer filings and hearings. The less an uncontested divorce attorney has to work with, the lower their fees for handling your case will be.

Some complex issues can bog down a divorce case, such as the division of assets, debts, or alimony. The longer a marriage is, the more likely a judge will award alimony based on need and ability to pay.

Other times, couples may disagree on critical issues, like timesharing (now called “timesharing and parenting plan”) or child support. These are things that a judge must decide in contested divorces. It can cost a lot of money if a lawyer is involved.


While uncontested divorce is a fast and cost-effective option for couples, it does have some limitations. For example, couples must agree on the central issues that must be resolved. It includes locating and valuing all marital assets and debts and working out a fair division for both parties.

It can also be difficult for couples to develop a fair alimony agreement. In some cases, there may be a need to hire forensic accountants or other professionals to discover a party’s actual income and financial situation.

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Divorcing couples must have good communication skills and work together to settle these issues. Otherwise, it could take far longer to get divorced than necessary. Having a divorce lawyer is also helpful during the uncontested divorce process.