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Applying for jobs can often require a commitment of several weeks before you begin to hear back about any interview opportunities; this can be frustrating and even disheartening.

Below you will find a few general tips for steps to take before, during and after your job search that may help the process go at least a little bit smoother.


Before you begin applying for jobs, it is important to spend time narrowing down the types of jobs you are looking to apply to. Even if you don’t have the exact job title narrowed down, having a general idea of the industry or type of job you are hoping to land can help save you a lot of time during your job search and will allow you to tailor your resume. Using a resume critique service may be a great option.


While you are applying for jobs, the most important piece of advice is to be patient. Remember, most companies may be hiring for several positions at once and may have hundreds of applicants applying for the jobs. It takes time to scan applications and decide on who will make it to the next step in the hiring process. 

When applying to jobs, make it clear on your application if you have a personal connection and also ask this person to put in a good word for you. Having a current employee reach out on your behalf is a great way to get your application moved through the system more quickly.


After submitting your applications, wait several days before following up on your application. If the application does not provide you with a contact, you may be able to find talent acquisitions or hiring managers via LinkedIn to reach out.

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Throughout the entirety of the job application process, it is important to consider your desired salary, location and work schedule to make sure you are not pursuing positions that do not meet these expectations.